Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where did I go?

Wow, it's been a while. I apologize for not sharing. Things have been more than a little crazy over here. I haven't been posting for two reasons.

First, our food budget was tight so I'd fallen back to our old standbys. I always keep the ingredients for those on hand, so I didn't have to spend money to make them. Now that my food budget is back to normal, I'll be trying new things again. (No, he didn't get a job. It's just that food stamps for a family of four is a shockingly large amount of money each month.)

Second, the few things I have tried have only been meh. I'm not going to share something that's only mediocre. (Anyone have a good whole-wheat pizza dough recipe? The one I tried was much too thick.)

Actually, that's not entirely true. I have an egg-washed lemony sugar cookie recipe and a triple chocolate muffin recipe to post. Both were so good that I completely forgot about getting pictures.

Ah, pictures. I'll probably be posting without them for a while. The good camera is sans power cord and the bad camera has been hidden by the kids. So you won't be able to laugh at my horrible photography skills. At least for now.

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