Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm Starting a Cooking Blog??

These last few months, I've been cooking more. LOTS more. This means an abundance of new recipes. It's been enjoyable, and the family loves it. So...

It's my new years resolutions to cook an average of two new things a week. I've already been trying at least that many, so this is more to keep it going than to push me to new heights. If they're good, I'll share them with you. Plus, I'll share old favorites as I make them as well. Because I keep making them for a reason!

Some things I should maybe mention:

- I pull recipes from all over the place. Some of them from other friends blogs. I apologize for any repetition, but I'm glad we have the same awesome friends!

- I won't include any secret family recipes without permission, mom.

- I'm also on a food storage kick, so you may see occasional recipes using long-term food storage ingredients. Actually, you use them in most baked goods, so you'll be seeing food storage recipes a lot.

- I do a ton of baking. A TON. I like yummy things. Usually they're sweet, but I'm working on bready things too.

- I don't promise to provide you with healthy recipes. We love our meat, butter, cheese, sugar, chocolate, and carbs. (Don't worry, we're huge vegetable fans too.)

- I take contributions! I don't mean money. (That's a lie. Send me money anytime!) I mean recipes. If you have a great one, please share it with me. I know that I'm not the only one who doesn't mind cooking, but hates coming up with what to eat. The more we share, the more ideas we'll have to draw from.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for having wheat in your food storage! Do you have a wheat grinder? If so, that helps make the BEST breads!
